
The Arab Minority and Police Relations: Rising Arab Intra-communal and Criminal Violence and the Crisis of Citizenship
El-Taji Daghash M.
The Arab Minority and Police Relations: Rising Arab Intra-communal and Criminal Violence and the Crisis of Citizenship
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2011.

This study provides a qualitative analysis of the strained relationship between the police and the Arab community in Israel and an attempt to better understand the reasons for the lack of effective policing in the Arab community. The paper aims to  broaden the scope of analysis by removing the focus from the state as a unitary  causal factor and by viewing the relationship between the Israeli state and the Arab society as mutually transformative, reciprocal and interconnected.

Linking Jerusalem to the Global Economy of Higher Education
Gonen A.
Linking Jerusalem to the Global Economy of Higher Education
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2008.

The idea to position Jerusalem as a center of educational services in the global economy is the main thrust of this policy paper. It is founded on the city’s own past achievement in higher education and on its future potential. Educational services around the world have increasingly become more “globalized” and students move across boundaries and often great distances in order to get the right kind of service in terms of quality and price.

With increased globalization the English language has assumed become the main language of instruction. Its predominant role in exporting educational services has spurred universities to offer teaching services in English to overseas students and thus avail them of this growing global market. In order to realize its potential for exporting higher educational services Jerusalem must do the same.

Is A Viable Democratic Palestine Possible? Future Scenarios for Palestine
Nasrallah R.
Is A Viable Democratic Palestine Possible? Future Scenarios for Palestine
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

In this publication Nasrallah sets out to explore whether or not a democratic Palestinian State is possible. To answer the question he analyses the events and processes within the PA since Arafat's death, and pays special attention to the rise to power of Hamas and its impact on the political and social system. Following this analysis he presents three scenarios: Total Collapse, National Consensus and Building a Viable State, and The Impasse. Relying on the three scenarios, Rami Nasrallah explores the barriers and opportunities strewn along the way to a viable Palestinian State.

Jerusalem in the Future: The Challenge of Transition
Hasson S ed.
Jerusalem in the Future: The Challenge of Transition
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

This publication presents the complex reality of Jerusalem as a divided city analyzed by six contributors. Shlomo Hasson examines the territorial, social, economic, and political developments in Jerusalem and explores how they may affect possible solutions to the problem of Jerusalem. Shlomo Hasson and Rami Nasrallah explore the different possible futures that may be played out in the city due to the impact of local, national, and international developments. Rassem Khamaisi proposes the alleviation of the Palestinian plight through the realization of the right to the city. Amiram Gonen explores new ways of strengthening Jerusalem by creating new contacts between Israelis and Palestinians. Noam Shoval examines the morphology of the city and the impact of the security barrier on everyday life. Ifat Maoz presents survey data on public opinion regarding different solutions to the problem of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem in the Future: Scenarios and Shared Visions
Hasson S, Nasrallah R eds. Jerusalem in the Future: Scenarios and Shared Visions. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

This publication is a product of a two-year cooperation effort between the International Peace and Cooperation Center and the Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies carried out with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. The two teams worked on a series of scenarios regarding possible futures for Jerusalem, a vision of a desired future and a preliminary strategic framework towards its realization.

Injustice and Folly: On the Proposals to Cede Arab Localities from Israel to Palestine
Arieli S, Schwartz D.
Injustice and Folly: On the Proposals to Cede Arab Localities from Israel to Palestine
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

Proposals to cede Arab localities from Israeli to Palestinian sovereignty, presented as "populated land exchanges", involve forcibly revoking the citizenship of tens of thousands of Arabs. Since the October 2000 events these proposals penetrated the heart of public discourse. The Arab leadership and public vehemently oppose these proposals. This study examines the Jewish discourse supporting the idea alongside Arab opposition to it in Israel and the territories as well as its implications on the character of the State of Israel. It examines Israeli and international legal perspectives and demographic and territorial implications. The study emphasizes the danger and folly of this idea and recommends discussing the idea as part of the Arab-Jewish discourse and as part of the status of the Arab minority in a democratic Jewish state.

Tzoreff Y. Coordinated Disengagement: Opportunities and Barriers. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.

The research addresses the shifts in the post Arafat era and examines their impacts on the disengagement plan. The main focus of the research is to examine the viability of the plan as originally intended by prime minister Sharon, as a divorce arrangement, or whether it can be used to lay the foundations for long range political agreements or even a final status solution,which recognizes the limitations of both sides.

Zarembski A-L. Refracted Vision: An Analysis of Religious-Secular Tension in Israel. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.

As a sequel to The religious-Secular Divide in the Eyes of Israel's Leaders and Opinion Makers, Refracted Vision discusses the causes and impact of fear; increased segregation; increased insecurity over identity, and decreased commonality on religious-secular relations through a historical analysis. It examines how variables, often blamed for tensions, both impact on and are manifestations of deeper issues. Policy recommnedations offer new ways of strengthening relations, which may alter Israel's current reality and provide for an environment of greater understanding, opportunity and cohesiveness.

Lupu J. New Directions in Haredi Society: Vocational Training and Academic Studies. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.

The year 1996 marked a shift in the attitude of ultra-orthodox society to vocational and academic training for men. Also noted were changes in and expansion of vocational and academic training for women. Across Israel institutions of higher learning for Haredi men and women sprang, adapted to the special heterogeneous needs of this population. Thousands of men and women study in them and prepare themselves for a life of earning and integration into the labor market. This study reviews the shift from ideological, historical and socio-political perspectives and proposes recommendations to substantiate and expand this phenomenon.

Hasson S. Disengagement - And What After?. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.

What will happen the day after disengagement? Will disengagement bring peace and stability to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and promote negotiations towards a permanent status solution, or will the opposite occur reinforcing the radical Islamist factions who maintain that force alone will convince Israel?

This essay examines these questions from the viewpoint of four central and widely held geopolitical approaches in Israel: The Necessity of Separation; Two State Solution (“Two States for Two Peoples”); The Greater Land of Israel and a Bi-National State. It presents the different approaches, details the scenarios relevant to them, and analyzes the political options common to them and offers several recommendations.

Sela A. Non-State Peace Spoilers and the Middle East Peace Effort. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.

This paper examines the possible impact of local and regional Islamic movements, committed to prevent or spoil by terror any settlement between Israel and the PLO, on the intended Israeli disengagement from Gaza Strip in 2005 and, following the death of Arafat, on possible renewal of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations along the Road Map.

The movements included in this paper are primarily the Palestinian Hamas, the Islamic Jihad and local Fatah-based militia groups that emerged after October 2000 and adopted similar tactics of terrorist attacks against Israel. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad maintain direct political and military links with Syria and Iran and, more closely, with the Shi'i Lebanese Hizballah movement, which operates both as an independent Lebanese actor and as a conduit for Iranian and Syrian influence in Palestinian affairs.

Garb Y, Savitch H. Urban Trauma in Jerusalem: Impacts and Possibilities of Recovery. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2005.
  • This essay details the urban consequences of the Al Aqsa Intifadah and the separation barrier project on Jerusalem. In West Jerusalem, the onset of terror, and specifically a wave of suicide bombings, hastened the city’s decentralization. Rapid decline of the economy and the disappearance of tourism further battered the city’s vitality. Israel’s  increased barriering of the city, culminating in the separation barrier project, was a major low for the city’s Arab inhabitants, and the urban fabric of East Jerusalem. Neighborhoods inside and outside the barrier were divided, with massive effects on daily life, work opportunities, property values, and relocation patterns. The paper argues that without a strategic package of urban recovery measures, Jerusalem is in danger of becoming locked in a spiral of decline.