Society Space and Governance

Land Development Processes in Israel in the Privatization Era: Viewed Through the Lens of the Nissim Comission Deliberation
Ash T. Land Development Processes in Israel in the Privatization Era: Viewed Through the Lens of the Nissim Comission Deliberation. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2009.

This study examines the deliberations of the Nissim Commission as a window to understanding the trends and the development processes over a given period – 1995-2001. The study focuses on the development processes, their leading protagonists, the central motives guiding them and the development mechanism of agricultural land and open spaces in Israel. The analysis relates to the process itself and not to its outcome and proposes, among others, the prospects of forecasting the development process and expected trends.

Legal Aspects of Structural Adjustments in Israel's Rural Local Government
Rasis S, Applebaum L. Legal Aspects of Structural Adjustments in Israel's Rural Local Government. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2009.

This study examines the role of the judiciary in the process of change which has taken place during the last three decades in the legal foundation and function of rural local government in Israel.

A Local Leader: A Mechanism of Change in the Periphery Yeruham: 1983-2006
Dahan Y. A Local Leader: A Mechanism of Change in the Periphery Yeruham: 1983-2006. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2009.

This study compares between two regional leaders of the peripheral town of Yeruham over three decades. Its findings show that leaders who operated under similar economic, geographical and cultural conditions, embodied very diverse types of leadership. The comparison manifested various perspectives and channels of influence: the community vision, the socio-political concept, funding strategies and most particularly the style and modus operandi with both the local population and the national concentrations of power. Factors associated with the character and image of the leader impacted directly on local development and on the quality of services as well as on shifts in the political culture of Yeruham's residents.

Recovery of Poor Preforming Municipalities in Israel: A Comparative Perspective in Light of the British Experience
Beeri I. Recovery of Poor Preforming Municipalities in Israel: A Comparative Perspective in Light of the British Experience. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2009.

This study examines the policy concept of addressing poor-performing municipalities in Israel as reflected by the new Municipalities Bill-2007, and compares legislation and experience in this field in other countries, most particularly in Britain. The central dilemma which the study addresses is the paucity of the Municipalities Bill and its questionable ability to accelerate recovery processes in local government under crisis. The Bill reflects the governing perception in the country on addressing poor-performing localities, which is rigid, limited and based on an economic paradigm. This, despite the experience of other western countries, which includes policy, legislation and wide accommodating measures to challenge the under-performance of public organizations.

Towards Joint Management of City Centers: The Jerusalem City Center
Yelinek A. Towards Joint Management of City Centers: The Jerusalem City Center. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2009.

This study examines the attempt to create a joint management public-private body for the center of Jerusalem, against a background of an ambitious project to regenerate its old center. The study points to the difficulties entailed in the process at the outset, and proposes the means to resolve them based on worldwide experience and recommends an appropriate model for the center of  Jerusalem.

Linking Jerusalem to the Global Economy of Higher Education
Gonen A.
Linking Jerusalem to the Global Economy of Higher Education
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2008.

The idea to position Jerusalem as a center of educational services in the global economy is the main thrust of this policy paper. It is founded on the city’s own past achievement in higher education and on its future potential. Educational services around the world have increasingly become more “globalized” and students move across boundaries and often great distances in order to get the right kind of service in terms of quality and price.

With increased globalization the English language has assumed become the main language of instruction. Its predominant role in exporting educational services has spurred universities to offer teaching services in English to overseas students and thus avail them of this growing global market. In order to realize its potential for exporting higher educational services Jerusalem must do the same.

Personal Liability in Local Government in Israel: Unlawful Expenditures and Repay
Hazan A, Razin E, Sarig E, Bustin D.
Personal Liability in Local Government in Israel: Unlawful Expenditures and Repay
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2008.

In recent years personal liability in local government has become a major issue in central-local government relations as well as in the public discourse. Its main thrust is a focus on ingraining norms of good governance in the public sector in general and in local government in particular. This publication serves as a foundation for an academic discussion on the issue.

Disparities in Local Property Tax trends and an International Perspective
Horn R. Disparities in Local Property Tax trends and an International Perspective. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2008.

This study examines the distribution of the local property tax (Arnona) burden in Israel by analyzing the household expenditure surveys for the years 1997-2005. A new analytical approach reveals the advantages and flaws of the current taxation system in order to propose improving measures of the existing mechanism.

Public Participation in Cultural Issues: The Perspective of Decision-Makers - The Case of Ashdod
Dror M. Public Participation in Cultural Issues: The Perspective of Decision-Makers - The Case of Ashdod. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2008.

This study examines the perspectives of decision-makers in the city of Ashdod concerning public participation in cultural issues, against the background of various active models of participatory democracy in Israel and overseas. Activating a model of participatory democracy significantly enhances the involvement of citizens in the democratic process, to their own advantage. It is important to create a mechanism that will enable citizens to realize their needs and desires by applying their capacity to influence or take part in decision-making processes.

The choice of Ashdod, the fifth largest city in Israel, is not arbitrary in light of the numerous waves of migration which form its residential fabric and generate contrasting cultural needs.

Connected and Strengthened Jerusalem
Gonen A. Connected and Strengthened Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

This essay presents a vision of a strengthened Jerusalem that can hopefully endure any geopolitical scenario.  In order to achieve this goal several strategic steps are essential, all  to be accompanied by a growing involvement of the central government of Israel in the affairs of the city and its surrounding region, so as to not only allocate generously resources to support housing, employment and infrastructure but also generate planning tools that enable urban development. All the strategies suggested in this essay share the notion of connectedness.

Jerusalem in the Future: The Challenge of Transition
Hasson S ed.
Jerusalem in the Future: The Challenge of Transition
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

This publication presents the complex reality of Jerusalem as a divided city analyzed by six contributors. Shlomo Hasson examines the territorial, social, economic, and political developments in Jerusalem and explores how they may affect possible solutions to the problem of Jerusalem. Shlomo Hasson and Rami Nasrallah explore the different possible futures that may be played out in the city due to the impact of local, national, and international developments. Rassem Khamaisi proposes the alleviation of the Palestinian plight through the realization of the right to the city. Amiram Gonen explores new ways of strengthening Jerusalem by creating new contacts between Israelis and Palestinians. Noam Shoval examines the morphology of the city and the impact of the security barrier on everyday life. Ifat Maoz presents survey data on public opinion regarding different solutions to the problem of Jerusalem.

Land and Planning Majority-Minority Narratives in Israel: The Misgav-Sakhnin Conflict as Parable
Luz N.
Land and Planning Majority-Minority Narratives in Israel: The Misgav-Sakhnin Conflict as Parable
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

This publication examines the Sakhnin-Misgav land dispute in the Galilee as a test case for one of the main issues of majority-minority relations in Israel. The study outlines the various forces involved, directly or indirectly, in the protracted debates held by a special committee nominated by the Minister of the Interior on requests by the Sakhnin municipality to extend its municipal boundaries. The study mainly focuses on analyzing the characteristics of the discourse among the various factors involved in planning and lands uses, both in this particular case and on an overall national level. The analysis highlights the rise of new powers in the planning arena and the ongoing land discourse, and most particularly the appearance of civil groups and organizations.  Concurrently, central government does not relinquish its hold or influence on these issues, at times applying covert practices which endorse the inequitable spatial division.

Ben-Elia N.
The Missing Link: Regional Government in Israel
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2007.

This study examines the issue of regional government as an efficient means for governing sub-national regions in Israel, particularly peripheral regions. Against a background of territorial disparities and a malfunctioning regional governance, a new tier of governance is required, one which relies on political empowerment and a prudent devolution of authority.

Redistributing Municipal Revenues: Financial Measures and Territorial Modifications
Razin E ed.
Redistributing Municipal Revenues: Financial Measures and Territorial Modifications
. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006. Razin_Redistibuting Municipal Revenues.pdf
The Local Democratic Deficit: A Seeming Democracy ?
Hasson S ed. The Local Democratic Deficit: A Seeming Democracy ?. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

Summarizing the Second Annual Local Government of The Harold Hartog School of Governance and Policy, this publication consists of three parts: The first unfolds the concept of Democratic Deficit and explains how it is formed, the dangers embodied in it  and how we may overcome i and establish the democracy correctly. The second part presents the discussion among the panel members and the third part contains the questions asked by the audience and the answers given by the speakers.

Hasson The Local Democratic Deficit.pdf
Razin E, Hazan A. Redistributing Municipal Wealth in Israel: Reducing Inequalities in the Revenues of Local Authorities. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

This study analyzes options for redistributing revenues from local taxes and levies on non-residential real estate among local authorities, with the aim of reducing fiscal disparities among local authorities.

The study recommends considering the implementation of alternatives at the local and regional levels, with clearly defined limits on conditions that permit revenue redistribution without the consent of involved parties. Implications in the direction of strengthening local government or concentration of power in the hands of government ministries depends on the manner of implementation: imposition subject to restraint and clear constraints, in which the central state is considered to be a fair broker, or an arena for bitter conflicts and for controversial decisions that are largely motivated by the need to alleviate short-term fiscal problems of the central state.

Razin Hazan_Redistributing_Municipal_Wealth_in_Israel.pdf
Ben-Elia N. Core Local Services: Expanding the Public Responsibility of the Ministry of Interior. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

This publication examines those issues which should be included in the Ministry of Interior's agenda along two axes: the right of citizens to decent local services and the obligation of the ministry to provide them.

Ben-Elia N. The Fourth Generation: A New Local Government for Israel. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

This book attempts to develop a new conceptual view of local government in Israel and possible paths of institutional development towards the next decade. The urgency of such a task is based on two key assumptions. First, and mostly, the emergence of a new public agenda that shifts the traditional dominance in Israel of security related issues towards social and civic concerns. Second, the exhaustion of present patterns of governing and public governance and the consequent need for institutional change.

The book describes the key features of a new type of local government in Israel  (the ‘4th generation’) and explores three different scenarios for its actual emergence.

Ben-Elia N. From Municipal to Supra-Municipal Modes of Service Delivery in Israel. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

An alternative solution to the local government crisis with respect to the declining capacity of many municipalities to secure services for their residents. The proposal shifts away from the horizontal perspective, which identifies the change in local government with the changing municipal map, to a vertical perspective, which emphasizes the structural change in local government. Supra-municipal options for service provision are examined on the basis of a 'bottom-up' delegation of authority and regulating services.

Political Cultures in Development Towns
ItzhaDahan . Political Cultures in Development Towns. Jerusalem: Floersheimer Studies; 2006.

This study examines the world views, ideologies, traditions, norms and social and cultural networks prevalent in development towns among various protagonists and groups – governmental and civic. The study highlights the crossroads, conflict and junctures which develop in a tenuous social field, and offers decision-makers an alternative strategy in light of this cultural and political labyrinth.
